Side Pane in D365/ Side Pane in Entity Form In D365
Side Pane in D365 In Account Entity Form we are showing the Account Related Contact in Side Pane using HTML Page. We need to call JavaScript Function(APY.Account.LoadPromotions) on Different Event Like OnLoad, OnChange, OnSave Or Ribbion Button Click. In this Blog I have registered the Event on OnLoad of Form with APY.Account.LoadPromotions Create a Java script Webresource with below Code : //Build test script comment var APY = APY || { namespace: true }; APY.Account = APY.Account || { namespace: true }; APY.Account.LoadPromotions = function (executionContext) { "use strict"; try { var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); var qs = "accountid=" +'{', '').replace('}', ''); Xrm.App.sidePanes.createPane({ title: "Contacts", paneId: "Contact...